The NASA application for the AMCIL system will be as Flight Hardware for deployment in support of long duration human missions beyond low Earth orbit where reductions in replacement clothing will lower the ESM for crew accommodations. The AMCIL system is suitable for use in any long term space mission where resupply logistics preclude routine delivery of fresh crew clothing and removal of disposable clothing articles. While the proposed laundry system is microgravity compatible, the system will be completely functional in reduced gravity environments. Specifically, the proposed laundry technology will be suited to deployment on the Lunar and Mars surfaces, at Lagrange points, and onboard long range transit vehicles.
AMCIL has potential utility in any application where long term habitation is coupled with limited access. Some obvious examples include isolated military outposts, research stations, naval vessels, research vessels, and commercial ships. Each of these installations feature similar restrictions on available clean water, energy, and waste storage. The ability to wash and reuse clothing with equipment that consumes small amounts of these valuable resources will reduce resupply requirements and improve quality of life.
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