The primary application of UAS-ATC Test-Bed will allow researchers to test and evaluate a wide variety of issues surrounding the integration of UAS into the National Airspace System. This test-bed will provide a rich environment for researchers to evaluate many important research questions such as: 1. Testing of UAS in the NAS and NextGen concepts of operation 2. Testing of system resilience given off-nominal events 3. Evaluation of technological innovations 4. Training evaluations
There is forecast to be an explosive growth of UAS operations in the United States. This will range from military, law enforcement, agriculture, border patrol, etc just to name a few applications. The commercial potential of our technology will consist of future versions of our UAS STE that can be integrated into other simulations systems to evaluate, in a scientific valid manner, the effectiveness of UAS: 1. Training Regimes 2. User Interfaces 3. Procedures 4. Integration into the NAS 5. Regulations 6. Recurrence Training 7. Operator Mission Essential Competencies (MEC) 8. Adaptive Operator Training 9. Payload Operator Training
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