The unique projected performance parameters of the thin film solid oxide fuel cell promise promise to deliver to NASA a high power density, low mass fuel cell that at the nominal 30 W stack projected for the Phase II program will form the basic module for larger power output fuel cells at the 1kW level and beyond. Such an electrical power source will supply NASA needs for compact, high power density energy sources for various lander, robotic vehicle, astronaut, habitat, and other distributed planetary surface energy needs in space. It is projected that many multiple kW of fuel cell power capacity will be required by NASA (and other space faring nations) for the lunar, Mars and beyond Mars environments, especillay those places where the atmosphere and or the body has water present from which hydrogen and oxygen can be extracted to yield fuel and oxidizer for fuel cells. These projected NASA needs point to a solid business opportunity through commercializing and selling to NASA fuel cell power.
The prospect of supplying high power density, compact fuel cells to NASA also opens up extensive private sector commercial possibilities for high power density micro energy sources including: power for portable electronic equipment, e.g., laptop computer; and for high efficiency distributed energy sources for home electrical needs especially as pertaining to operation on natural gas (methane), thus resulting in distributed energy generation for the nation's power grid. Further, fuel cell power is defined as 'clean' energy, and efficient energy. Consumers are focusing on these qualities more so with time, and this 'clean' aspect of the fuel cell will add significantly to market pull. Discussions have been initiated with a firm interested in the fuel cells for application to distributed and 'clean' power. This opportunity and other commercial opportunities will be actively pursued during the Phase II program, and are expected to yield critical industrial leveraging of a Phase III program.
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