Expected NASA applications are in the areas of spacecraft and aircraft navigation analyses. The intended modular nature allows for a wide variety of applications, including ground or onboard facilities to process navigational data from multiple sensor sources, and analysis and testing of flight software and onboard data processing algorithms. Existing NASA software packages such as GPS-Enhanced Onboard Navigation Software (GEONS), General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT), as well as Orbital Determination Tool Box (ODTBX) may benefit from these advanced filtering techniques without sacrificing computation time by interchanging the native navigation processor with one chosen from the proposed parallelized modules.
The proposed parallelized filter modules have applications in a wide range of industries besides NASA, including aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, atmospheric data assimilation and economic modeling, etc., where sensors are commonly used to collect a large quantity of raw data which need to be processed with filtering techniques. Specific examples of non-NASA applications may include marine vessel navigation, commercial airliner navigation, seismic data acquisition and analysis, atmospheric observation data collection and processing, and so on. Existing tools can also be enhanced by incorporating the advanced filtering modules. For example, these modules can be marketed to software companies such as Analytical Graphics, Inc. as an add-on for its navigational analysis and orbit determination capability.
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