The proposed concept will have a profound impact on power electronics and energy conversion technologies and help to conserve energy and environment, as well as to reduce the nation's dependence on fossil fuels. Widespread use of efficient and cost-effective power electronics technology can potentially result in a 35% reduction in energy consumption. Power electronics, along with computer and microprocessor technology, impacts nearly every sector of the U.S. economy including automobiles, electric utility, pollution control, communications, computer systems, consumer electronics, and factory automation. For commercial applications, the proposed new packaging technology can be used in its current form or scaled down to medium or conventional temperature range with a significantly reduced cost, making it a viable and economical option for large commercial markets such as hybrid electric vehicles, renewable energy conversion, and power supplies.
Wide operating temperature power semiconductors for space power systems and science missions such as Earth Orbiting, Venus, Europa, Titan and Lunar Quest.
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