Morningbird's Electronic Alchemy technology has the potential to impact several areas within NASA taxonomy. Some of these are: - In-situ production and replacement of electronics devices. - 3D printing of biomedical and environmental sensors/detectors - 3D printing of antennas. - Establishment of a ground-based environmental monitoring network using custom sensors (such as CO2). This will enhance outreach to K-12 and university students/faculty. - Enhancement of research and development processes by providing a system for real-time, custom creation of test devices and test beds. The Electronic Alchemy printer and material cartridges will be available to be provided to all NASA centers.
The Morningbird Media Corporation is leveraging its technology development strategy, strategic partnerships, and early-stage venture funding to embark upon a product an commercialization path built upon the projected $30B 3D printing market and the $1T consumer electronic market. Product Lines: The Electronic Alchemy� 3De Printer ver. 1.x is a multi-material printer capable producing intricately detailed devices that have electronic functionality. The Electronic Alchemy� 3De Cartridges provide the various critical materials needed to print functional electronics. The Electronic Alchemy� Design Cauldron ver 1.x is the layout, analysis, and printer control software for PCs, tablets, and other computing platforms. The Environmental and Biomedical Sensor Elements Package is a set of customized sensors and detectors designed to be modified and printed with the Electronic Alchemy� system. The Electronic Alchemy� Development Community is a development environment that will allow members to interact and exchange designs. It will be modeled much after an app store (iTunes or Google Play) where member designs can be sold, traded, or given away.
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