In addition to NASA, several other large military systems where automated real-time condition assessment, mission assessment and successful mission planning is critical for operations such as other Space Command ground segments, Ground Vehicles, the Navy shipboard platforms, the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) fleet, and ballistic missile defense systems, as well as commercial industries such as semiconductor fabrication, industrial automation transportation, power generation and distribution, are potential applications.
QSI is well positioned with its TEAMS products with NASA MSFC and ARC where those NASA centers have extensively utilized the TEAMS Designer product for functional failure analysis of the Ares vehicle and for onboard fault diagnostics for Orion. QSI had been working with Honeywell, Lockheed Martin and NASA JSC in that capacity as a technology provider. The proposed capability significantly enhances TEAMS Designer and runtime modules' suitability for deployment on board as well as on the ground for NASA's vehicles for mission information exchange and planning between the command module, mission control and ground operations.
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