The proposed queuing model shows potential for the following non-NASA applications: 1. The Phase II research effort proposes to develop queuing model based sequencing, scheduling and merging & spacing algorithms. Such algorithms can be a part of a decision support automation used by air-traffic controllers in the terminal area and metroplexes. 2. The fast-time stochastic queuing simulation framework developed using high-performance computing framework can provide near real-time forecasts of the state of the terminal area taking into account wind and weather uncertainties. Such a forecast capability can be vital to Traffic Flow Management (TFM) decision-making algorithms under adverse weather conditions. 3. This model can be used by the Airline Operations Center (AOC) to make decisions on canceling, re-routing or re-scheduling flights in response to an adverse weather event.
The primary application of the queuing model developed in the course of this research is to serve as a stochastic analysis tool to evaluate proposed NextGen concepts in the terminal area. The proposed queuing model provides a transformation between the terminal area routes, procedures and runway configurations, to the traffic flow efficiency. This model can be used in rapid prototyping tools that design terminal area routes and procedures, to evaluate the efficiency of the designed route. The queuing model and the associated simulation framework can be used to evaluate the performance of various sequencing, scheduling, pairing, and merging & spacing algorithms being developed under NASA's Airspace Super Density Operations (ASDO) program. During Phase II research a plug-in will be developed for the STASS software that is currently being used by the ASDO group. Interfaces will also be identified to other NASA software tools such as TRAC and CTAS.
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