The competitive advantage of the proposed approach is programmable, sub-nanosecond pulse generation with narrow, single frequency linewidth. Applications include: (1 )laser communication systems, the narrow linewidth provides improved signal-to-noise ratio, (2) free space laser communication for secure transmission of sensitive information, and (3) time resolved lasers for induced fluorescent spectroscopy, the short pulse and high power are key. Adding wavelength converters such as AdvR's KTP waveguides offers a value added benefit of tailoring the wavelength to specific fluorophores of study. This technology can also be applied to high power fiber modulators as could lead to a new approach to Q-switches in solid state lasers.
AdvR will discuss with NASA personnel the applications in high resolution lidar imaging with sub-ns pulses and long range optical telecommunications. Several future NASA applications identified as part of the Decadal Survey Missions that are likely to benefit from utilizing AdvR's pulse shaper including LISA (NASA/GSFC EUD: Code 661 Gravitational Astrophysics Lab), LIST (Lidar for Surface Topography, NASA/GSFC, and ICESat (GSFC Laser Remote Sensing Branch, Code 924). It will also supply a necessary component for planned upgrades to the international laser ranging service network (ILRS) as part of NASA's satellite laser ranging (SLR) program.
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