Starodub has an on-going project with FHWA on the correlation of tire-pavement interaction noise and pavement surface texture. This application will be considered as an application for the algorithm under development in the proposed project. Many Government agencies, in research, development, and operations, may benefit from this product with a reduced learning curve with the proper exposure to this technology. Since the initial collaboration between Starodub, FHWA, and Dr. Huang four years ago, FHWA has been supporting a theoretical effort at Princeton and a parallel applied research effort with Starodub. Its marketing effort to Government agencies and private entities shall be focused on illustrating the software with solutions from NASA applications output from this SBIR project and from a plethora of applications previously developed. The current list of potential non-NASA application areas includes non-destructive evaluation for structural health monitoring in highway infrastructure, vibration, speech, and acoustic signal analyses, earthquake engineering, manufacturing processes, bio-medical applications, and financial market data analysis
The analysis of simultaneous and complementary observations from near-Earth orbiting satellites of the gravity field and radar or laser altimetry data can be combined for the estimation of the gravimetry, hydrosphere, and cryosphere with increased resolution and accuracy in 2-D or 3-D for a greater understanding of the Earth's system. Other potential NASA applications of the latest 2D empirical mode decomposition technologies are cosmological gravity wave and planets hunting, global primary productivity evolution map from LandSat data, non-destructive evaluation for structural health monitoring, and vibration analysis of NASA equipment.
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