The proposed system has many applications both as a stand-alone system and as part of a much larger (higher power) cluster. On its own, the thruster will be well suited for orbit raising and interplanetary transfers, supporting exploration and science missions. The demonstrated throttling ability is important for a singular thruster that might be called upon to propel a spacecraft from Earth to Mars or Venus. Mars orbits at 1.52 AU, which reduces the solar constant to 43% of the value at Earth. Venus orbits at 0.72 AU, which increases the solar constant to 190% of the value at Earth. As a result the output power of a nominal 600 W array varies between 260 W and 1.15 kW as a spacecraft travels between these planets. The ability to throttle efficiently is even more important for missions beyond Mars. The thruster may also be used for orbit raising and circularization (including GTO to GEO transfers) and inclination changes. In GEO, the thruster may be used for station-keeping and repositioning. On its own, the thruster is well sized for primary propulsion on ESPA-sized spacecraft (~180 kg). Clustered, the thruster will support larger, higher power spacecraft and systems, such as a small electric upper stage.
Commercial applications for the proposed system include orbit raising, circularization, inclination changes, repositioning, and station-keeping. For higher power missions, the system would be clustered. Commercial applications for a clustered system include a small electric upper-stage. Other applications include a system for de-orbiting spacecraft that have reached their end of life.
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