The HCHO profiler can be easily mounted on an aircraft or deployed ground based, which makes it a suitable candidate for a lot of currently active and future NASA missions. HCHO is a primary measurement objective in two missions of the Decadal Survey (GEO-CAPE and GACM). The proposed sensor allows profiling of formaldehyde for Earth science research such as, climate science, environmental monitoring and commercial pollution compliance efforts. With minor adaptations such as using a UV laser at different wavelengths, the sensor can be used to measure fluorescence signal of other chemicals such as NO, NO x , NO2, and OH, etc.
Several government agencies including NASA, EPA, DoE and DoD have identified the need for instruments for formaldehyde detection. Besides the environmental and industrial application, the LIF lidar technique can be used by many other military applications including detection of Chemical warfare Agent (CWA), bio warfare agent (BWA) aerosols, explosives.
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