Terahertz radiometry-spectrometry is an important technique for remote sensing of terrestrial, planatery, and interstellar trace constituents and physical properties. Numerous NASA missions with sub-millimeter wave instruments have been deployed with a wide-range of mission targets. Further expansion of the capabilities requires increased local oscillator power. A first GaN stage that can provide increased power-handling capability will extend the sub-millimeter wave power that can be supplied for radiometry-spectrometry instruments. Potential NASA commercial applications will likely center around terrestrial sensing for various industries.
One of the most important non-NASA applications of the multiplier diodes is in the terahertz imaging radars for home-land security applications. The high power GaN diodes that we are proposing to develop with this project will enable higher transmitter power and, thus, higher stand-off distance and higher sensitivity. Potential Non-NASA applications will center around remote-sensing and imaging for security or industrial control applications.
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