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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

High-Efficiency, High-Power Ka-Band Elliptic-Beam Traveling-Wave-Tube Amplifier for Long-Range Space RF Telecommunications

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

High-Efficiency, High-Power Ka-Band Elliptic-Beam Traveling-Wave-Tube Amplifier for Long-Range Space RF Telecommunications
Space telecommunications require amplifiers that are efficient, high-power, wideband, small, lightweight, and highly reliable. Currently, helix traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA) are the technology of choice. Conventional helix TWTAs employ circular electron beams. Recently, lightweight circular-beam helix TWTAs have been demonstrated with power output in the range of several hundred watts and overall efficiency in the range of 40 to 60 percent. Despite these advances, there is substantial value in further improvement across all of these areas. Beam Power Technology (BPT) proposes a novel elliptic-beam TWTA which is highly efficient (75%) and has 500 W of CW power, reduced weight, lower voltage and an expected 15+ year lifetime. The average power operation is at a back-off of -6 dB from saturation. The linearity is -35 dBc. The Phase I objective is to determine the feasibility of an elliptic-beam helix TWTA which substantially exceeds the performance levels of conventional helix devices. In Phase II, BPT will complete the engineering design and experimental demonstration of a prototype targeting eventual deployment into satellite applications. More »

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This is a historic project that was completed before the creation of TechPort on October 1, 2012. Available data has been included. This record may contain less data than currently active projects.
