There is a large market for our Stirling generator for hybrid vehicles. Our Stirling generator uses large pressure amplitudes and a high operating frequency to produce a compact power-dense unit. With a high power density, material costs are low, so our Stirling generator will have low costs when it is mass-produced. Our proprietary compressor and expander technology will give our Stirling generator for hybrid vehicles a high efficiency. Our Stirling generator can easily be coupled with a burner that has the ability to burn multiple alternative fuels. Our Stirling generator is quiet, which is important for automotive applications. Our Stirling generator is attractive as a backup power generator for residential and commercial applications. The quiet operation of our Stirling generator makes it especially attractive for this application. There are many military applications that could benefit from a miniaturized version of our Stirling generator (a "micro-Stirling generator"). For example, the Army needs a compact, lightweight, and efficient electrical generator to couple with burners the Army is currently developing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and unattended sensor systems. Our micro-Stirling generator will meet needs for a compact, lightweight, and efficient electrical generator.
The high reliability and high efficiency of our Stirling generator will enable our Stirling generator to meet NASA needs for advanced power conversion technologies for high power space exploration applications. Also, NASA needs high-efficiency space nuclear power systems for space electric propulsion and surface power systems in support of human missions. Nuclear systems are anticipated to enable effective long surface stay crew habitation and operations, long-range surface mobility and planetary cargo transfer. Initial planetary outpost power levels are anticipated to be between 30-50 kWe with anticipated growth to 100's kWe. Additionally, space nuclear electric propulsion will require technologies capable of effective and efficient multi-hundred kilowatt systems. Technology performance goals include; reducing overall system mass, volume, radiator area with reduced cost and increased safety and reliability. NASA needs high-efficiency (> 20%), compact, lightweight, and reliable power conversion with heat-source temperatures in the range 900 to 1100 K. Our compact, lightweight, and reliable Stirling generator will meet NASA needs for space nuclear power systems.
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