Evaluation and response to bio- and chemical hazards requires on-site analytical analysis using compact, low power, portable instrumentation featuring high sensitivity with little or no user expertise. Additional applications are found in industrial health and safety applications, exhaust emissions monitoring, atmospheric monitoring, manufacturing, mining, and construction
Outside of manned missions, major targets of interest to NASA's space exploration efforts include Mars, Europa, Titan, comets and other planetary systems. The instrument concept to be developed here is anticipated to be relevant to the following missions; a) comet missions where surface chemical analysis to determine and characterize the organic composition of gas, ice particles and dusts, b) Mars missions for microscale in situ technologies for detection and characterization of organic compounds, improved field analysis of trace or biomarkers and biologically important solutes (e.g. nutrients) and other physical/chemical factors that might be an indication of life. c) Outer solar system missions to Europa (e.g. Europa Orbiter, Europa Lander, Europa Ocean Observer, and Europa Lander Network) for chemical and exobiological analysis, and determining the inventory of organic compounds and biogenic elements. d) Titan missions (e.g. Titan Biologic Explorer) where instruments are needed to search for and identify more complex organic molecules.
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