The solid-state nonlinear conversion technology can be quickly transformed into flight units capable of integration into existing or planned lidar systems such as NASA GOLD (Global Ozone lidar Demonstrator), methane or water-vapor DIAL systems, or into the development path for future NASA airborne and space-borne missions. The core OPA/OPO technology is applicable in multiple remote sensing applications, including oxygen, water vapor, CO2, or other atmospheric species with spectral features in the near UV to mid IR range. The transmitters developed under this SBIR are candidates for a number of Venture Class II missions.
The technical approaches developed on this SBIR program flow directly into applications including underwater detection and imaging, atmospheric trace-gas detection, Raman-based remote sensing, and DoD jamming and countermeasures systems. Commercial remote sensing of hydrocarbons and other pollutants associated with petrolium exploration, production and transport also constitutes a growing market for lidar based sensors enabled by technology developed under this SBIR program.
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