There are currently no competing CT simulation products to SimCT in the market place. The extensions and modifications added to the software under this Project will increase the speed of operation by about 100 times. This allows for new categories of problems to be addressed and investigated in reasonable times or at greater levels of detail. Besides NASA applications, there are analogous uses for SimCT in both DoD and commercial aging aircraft problems. Additionally there is the potential to enter the multi-million dollar medical market and with Homeland Security CT scaning with a swifter easier to operate program. Lastly, these improvements will allow bundling SimCT with hardware systems to improve the overall operation of CT systems. Expected sales increases of the program from these applications are estimated to be in the 150 to 200 unit category or $4 million on the high end.
Developing NDE quantitative protocols, as demands on performance of materials increases, becomes increasingly critical and difficult. Quantitative simulation tools capable of assessing the impact of the multitude of inspection parameters provide a cost effective means to determine adequate procedures in safety critical inspections. Developing simulation tools addressing realistic complexity seen in new materials and real field inspections requires an ability to adequately model complex samples; which in turn requires the utilization of the latest computation platforms, namely GPU's. The massively parallel GPU platforms enable the solution a new class of computational problem at one tenth the cost of traditional parallel approaches. The computational methods involved in modeling complex geometry from a Cad format also apply to other NDE methods modeling. Finally developing more robust and polished interface for these engineering tools gives better productivity and access to more people with reduced training needs.
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