Based on our contacts with the US non-NASA government agencies such as US Air Force, Navy, Army, DARPA, etc., and aerospace companies such as Boeing, Bae Systems, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman, etc., we are aware of their needs for advanced aeroelastic/aero-structural modeling and simulation software for the design and analysis of the next generation aircraft. The general capability of resulting software can be routinely applied to generate aero-structural database and assess stability for aircraft and UAV/MAV under flutter/buffet/LCO. Several possibilities exist for transition including direct engagement with contractors supporting DoD acquisition programs, performing research in support of government air vehicle technology development programs, or using resulting program documentation to construct or tailor an application to provide demonstrated analytical and design capability for commercial airplanes.
There are a number of applications for the resulting software and technologies to various NASA Centers, ARMD, Subsonic Rotary Wing, Subsonic Fixed Wing, Supersonics, and Hypersonics Projects, and potentially CLV projects may find use. Fundamental Aeronautics Program, Exploration Program both would have applications.
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