The proposed solution also has potential to greatly enhanced survivability for the war-fighters. Given the GIG vision, such heterogeneous and dynamic wireless networks will be common, and the developed network management solution can be applied to various military networks potentially supporting a number of major programs such as Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), Future Combat System (FCS), Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS), and Airborne Networks. The commercial drive for reliable communication is also increasing due to the increasing popularity of wireless network technologies. The potential commercial applications include satellite communications, wireless ad hoc networks and vehicle networks. The size of the market is quite large and may grow rapidly with the demand for network reliability and availability.
The proposed adaptive autonomous network management has potential to largely reduce the operation costs while maintain or even enhance the reliability for the NASA missions. Due to the heterogeneous nature of network assets and the lack of autonomy, the developed network management solution can be applied to the NASA's efforts on the integration of its current agency networks. The potential customers of our solution include robotic and human missions at locations ranging from the near Earth (e.g., EO-1) to deep space (e.g., Mars exploration).
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