The microGCs have a wealth of potential commercial opportunities. Examples include: indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring and remediation, industrial pollution containment and elimination, narcotics detection, cargo monitoring, explosives detection, and lung cancer screening. Also, we will have a military device to detect chemical warfare agents that can support a 7-day mission packaged in the space of only a few cubic centimeters. This integrated device comprising a micro-GC, detectors, reagents and power supply will have the potential to: 1) identify chemical threats in a battlefield; 2) provide assessment of warfighter health status, chemical exposure, stress level, and hydration; and 3) detect human activity in caves and other structures. The use of Cbana components in NASA missions will aid the deployment of Cbana's sensors in the commercial market. One of the key milestones in Cbana's business plan is to secure independent groups to validate the technology. Inclusion of the Cbana equipment as an integral component of one or more NASA missions would facilitate our goal of independent validation, hence furthering commercial market acceptance.
If we are successful through Phase II, we will demonstrate that the Cbana microGCs re robust enough to be used on the moon, and can detect a broad range of volatiles. The devices will be ready to be integrated into a robotic lander or survey network for the moon, and allow a survey for water or other species that could enable human habitation of the moon.
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