The potential uses of the proposed high strength, ultra-refractory composites include both liquid and solid DACS, spacecraft heat shielding, hypersonic leading edge materials and flowpath components, advanced turbine and rotor components, and reentry/reusable vehicles. The tenacious oxide layer formed could allow the CMCs to display significantly increased life over current high temperature CMCs.
The proposed technology could be applicable to a vast range of bipropellant thrusters, ranging from very small to several hundred pound thrust. The oxidation and ablation information on the proposed material could allow for in situ propellants such as CO/O2 and CH4/O2 to be utilized on return missions from Mars. In addition this material could be used as uncooled chamber, throat and nozzle materials for both solid and liquid DACS, Apogee thrusters, and thrust cells for reusable launch vehicles.
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