The most commercially viable non-NASA applications pertain to homeland security and atmospheric monitoring, along with digital-RF communications Detection of nitrogen-based compounds used in explosives Detection of biohazards Land-based or airborne air quality monitoring RF Spectrum monitoring for present and future wideband communications
This project will simplify wideband spectrometers in space, on aircraft or on earth by simultaneously utilizing low-power broad-bandwidth digitizers and ultra-fast autocorrelators, along with high-resolution digitization. The spectra of planetary atmospheric gases, intergalactic dust, or red-shifted remnants of the big bang in the far universe will not require using second intermediate frequencies, additional analog circuits, or stitching together several spectra. Targeted applications are: Global climate change and global circulation effects Effect of chloro-fluoro-carbons on the high atmosphere Atmospheric ozone chemistry Global air pollution Wideband studies of the early universe This technology can substantially improve the present electronics used for the Global Atmospheric Composition Mission and specifically the Scanning Microwave Limb Sounder. It can also be used on earth-based platforms such as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. As a cross-correlator, this instrument can improve the resolution and overall performance of optical- and radio-telescope arrays.
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