Flight Deck i-Glasses have significant potential for successful commercialization. Companies within defense, medical, industrial and consumer market segments are actively pursuing new head-up technologies to create product offerings around the i-Glasses concept. Within defense, pilots need see-through color displays to portray 3-D situational awareness independent of helmet used. Mounted and dis-mounted soldiers have begun to use see-through display applications to increase SA in operational and training (enhanced realism) environments. Medical applications within the future operating rooms are concentrating on displaying 3-D imagery scans on the patient to improve procedure effectiveness and accuracy. Similarly, mobile viewings of procedures, specifications and web-based logistics services, etc. are value-added applications facilitated by i-Glasses in the industrial segment. Consumers are searching for 3-D i-Glasses for real-time mobile gaming and for mobile applications (i.e. Augmented Reality, broadband content, etc.) where real-time streaming of content from mobile devices can be viewed in a head-up mode.
Flight Deck i-Glasses are a crew-centered and multi-modal interface technology that improves aerospace safety by enabling 3-D trajectory-based operations and head-up visual ops in non-visual meteorological conditions. Flight Deck i-Glasses are relevant within the Integrated Intelligent Flight Deck Technologies program in both Operator Performance and Multi-modal Interfaces research activities areas. This visual interface technology enhances NASA's pursuit of Level 3 goals for NextGen operatorsit will increase the pilot's state of awareness and support integrated alerting/pilot notification in a head-up moderegardless of meteorological conditions. Additionally, i-Glasses is applicable to Extra-Vehicular Activity Technology and Space Suit Displays where compact systems are needed to increase situational awareness. Within the Automation for Vehicle & Crew Operations research area, i-Glasses can be used to display decision support system information. Within flight/space operations, i-Glasses will provide operator content at the point of task perfect for operations centers, ATC control and mobile maintenance environments.
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