The TlBr based spectroscopic imaging array that we propose to develop should be suitable for the next generation of wide-field hard X-ray coded-aperture imagers currently under development (cf. the ProtoEXIST and HREXI programs). It is anticipated that this technology will eventually be employed as part of a Medium Class Explorer (MIDEX) mission similar to that of the proposed Energetic X-Ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST) and will probe X-ray transient phenomena with an improved sensitivity, energy resolution and angular resolution. This will enable the monitoring of a variety of phenomena, including tidal disruption events (TDE), supernova (SN), soft-gamma repeaters (SGR), X-Ray Flashes (XRF), the mapping of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) distribution out to redshifts exceeding z=10, as well as neutron stars (NS) and black holes (BHs) at all mass scales in a variety of environments.
In addition to NASA-related space applications, this technology offers considerable potential in other areas, including nuclear and particle physics, nuclear non-proliferation, medical imaging, environmental monitoring, non-destructive testing, and geological exploration. Nuclear medicine techniques such as single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) would also benefit from the development of this detector technology.
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