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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

NonLinear Parallel OPtimization Tool

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

NonLinear Parallel OPtimization Tool, Phase I
CU Aerospace, in partnership with the University of Illinois propose the further development of a new sparse nonlinear programming architecture that exploits parallelism at three levels. The Nonlinear Parallel Optimization Tool (NLPAROPT) is a black-box NLP solver intended to take advantage of multicore processors and distributed processing super computers alike to vastly improve the time-to-solution for optimization problems. It has been built with NASA trajectory optimization problems in mind, but can be applied to any class of NLP problem. By parallelising not only the basic linear algebra, but also the derivative calculation, problem formulation, and sparse aspects of typical problems, significant speed improvements are achievable by comparison to existing open source and commerical NLP solvers. More »

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