This technology will provide NASA with an efficient, robust cryogenic cavitation modeling and prediction tool suitable for application to propulsion systems ground test facility component design and analysis. The research product will provide enabling engineering and scientific technologies to predict complex cryogenic flow problems, reduce ground test facility costs and overall system risk while increasing test productivity. Potential enhancements include improved treatment of evaporation and condensation rates, turbulence/cavitation interaction modeling, liquid/vapor thermal interface effects, variable transport properties, expanded thermodynamic databases and extended model validation. The proposed cavitation modeling tool is also applicable to hydrogen inducers, impellers and pumps operating at high vapor fraction.
The growing trend toward coupled multi-physics analyses is opening significant new markets as more difficult problems can be addressed using advanced computational techniques. The ability to robustly model complex cryogenic flows with cavitation will allow the commercial aerospace and defense industries to improve design and development of new products and streamline ground testing. Our analysis software can also be applied to marine propellers, boiler feed pumps and refrigerant systems. The basic architecture of the modeling framework can remain the same while new plug-in modules are developed to address different physics and design requirements.
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