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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Metal Matrix Composite Enchanced Aluminum Structures

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Metal Matrix Composite Enchanced Aluminum Structures, Phase I
The proposed research pursues a path for reducing structural weight, increasing structural performance, and reducing fabrication cost while also minimizing maintainability. The approach, which is based on selective reinforcement, is a change in the basic design philosophy and will result in the development of a hybrid material form. The selective reinforcement approach allows the structural design requirements to define the material form. This method is the reverse of the typical development flow path used for building structures. This backward path results in more efficient material forms that are of greater value to structural engineers. Specifically, the proposed effort will combine a metal matrix composite (MMC) prepreg tape with an ultrasonic additive manufacturing process. The combination of these technologies will lead to enhanced lightweight, cost-effective metallic structures with shielding and thermal management built in. More »

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