The proposed navigation guidance system addresses NASA's stated objective of improving the efficiency, safety, and cost-competitiveness of the air transport system through the use of autonomy. Specifically, the IRBS will enable safe, autonomous operation of UAS in the last 50 feet under diverse weather conditions, as well as improving general low altitude airspace operations for both autonomous and human-operated (piloted or remotely controlled) aircraft.
The navigation guidance system developed under the proposed effort will be a low-cost alternative to existing approach and landing guidance systems, allowing implementation at airfields and on aircraft currently not equipped for instrumented landings in low visibility weather conditions. This will be of particular interest to the general aviation market. The airborne components will be low-SWaP that can also be accommodated by small UAS operating in the NAS. In addition, by making use of different phenomenology from existing systems, the proposed IRBS will provide redundancy to RF-based instrument landing systems.
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