Compact, color, high-speed, extreme high dynamic range (Color-XHDR) video recording that can produce calibrated, engineering-grade video to accurately record high energy events, such as rocket motor firings, at close range, without image saturation will have significant value to NASA SSC. After a successful Phase II, I2R will be in a position to provide their state-of-the-art system to NASA SSC for incorporation directly onto the test stands. In addition to the facility at SSC, other NASA Rocket Propulsion Test (RPT) and NASA launch facilities namely Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Glenn Research Center (GRC) Plum Brook Station and White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) will benefit by using this technology. This technology can also be incorporated into other NASA missions including both terrestrial and planetary exploration. Since, for example, there is relatively no atmosphere on Mars, there is limited diffuse scattering and dark shadows become visually darker. This effect increases the dynamic range of the scene making it an ideal target application for our technology. Similarly, our technology could be used to uncover the mysteries surrounding the extremely bright saturated spots captured by NASA?s Dawn mission on the dwarf planet Ceres.
Compact, color, high-speed, extreme high dynamic range (Color-XHDR) video recordings that can produce calibrated, engineering-grade information to accurately record high energy events, such as rocket motor firings, at close range, without image saturation will have significant value to defense-based facilities that actively test propulsion systems and perform launches. These include the USAF Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base as well as Vandenberg Air Force Base. Commercial propulsion test and development entities, such as Orbital ATK, SpaceX and Blue Origin, would also benefit by our technology. In addition to rocket propulsion, other application areas that would benefit from our imaging technology including robotic welding and 3-D metal printing where bright-dark contrast become extreme. Another potential application is small area UAV remote sensing and mobile mapping. Our compact technology approach will enable our imaging systems to be flown on small UAVs. We have spoken to imaging and mapping companies developing technology for strip mining where deep shadows produce extreme contrast. Routinely mapping mining areas is important for managing a site and to maintain safety. Mobile mapping from moving ground vehicles is limited by the dark shadows produced in many landscapes. Compact HDR imaging could increase the utility of the images taken by these systems.
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