Parameter fitting is found in almost all fields, from finance/banking and data mining to computational biology and numerical weather prediction, to name a few. One thing in common to all these fields is the rapidly growing volume of data and increasing complex models. To address the accompanying computational issues, low cost hardware accelerators, in particular graphical processing units (GPU), are increasingly being used with great success. This GPU accelerated tool suite will be developed into a commercial product that will be of general interest.
Because of the widespread use of optimization techniques in parameter estimation, the software developed in this project will be used extensively by NASA scientists working on present and future missions. Moreover, with the increasing amounts of data to be processed, hardware accelerated optimization software will provide a valuable, time-saving tool to NASA scientists. Missions that will directly benefit from the proposed software are Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III mission and the Solar Dynamics Observatory and Glory, to name a few.
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