The GPS system will be designed as custom RF ASIC chipset will be used in the navigation of spacecraft. This solution will provide NASA with a compact, beam steerable low power solution that can be deployed in all spacecrafts including small satellites. A partial list of potential NASA applications that will benefit from this GPS Receiver IC is: 1. International Space Station 2. Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission 3. COSMIC II Missions 4. Jason III Mission 5. TDRSS Augmentation Service for Satellites (TASSS) 6. Array of GPS receivers 7. Space Based L-Band Receivers
Several military applications where this technology can be applied are: ¿ Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Most of these vehicles are unable to carry any phase array antenna system due to payload constraints. The technology developed under this proposal will achieve the SWaP (Size, Weight & Power) target so as to enable this capability for these vehicles. ¿ Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (UUV) UUV will also similarly benefit from having this capability. This technology has significant application in the commercial world. Some of the applications areas are: 1. Automotive (market size 10s of millions of units per year) o Collision Avoidance Systems o Driver Aides such as Parking Assistance o "Driver Replacement" Traffic Throughput Optimization. This could potentially conserve millions of gallons of gasoline per year 2. Agriculture (market size 10s of thousands of units per year) 3. Avionics (market size thousands of units per year) o Collision Avoidance o Sophisticated Weather Radar 4. Microwave Links in Multipath Environments (market size 100s of thousands of units per year) 5. Handheld Communications (market size 100s of millions of units) o Beamforming WiFi o Beamforming Cellular Communications (LTE and beyond) o Mobile TV Electronically Steerable Antenna 6. Industrial (market size 10s of thousands of units) o Object identification o Object location o Driverless Equipment (such as forklifts) 7. RFID (market size 100s of millions of units per year)
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