The proposed research program will expand upon advanced laser-based, high-data-rate, multi-dimensional, multi-parameter, noninvasive optical diagnostic platforms for NASA ground-test facilities. Such diagnostic capabilities will be a major step forward in design and model validation efforts in transonic ground-test facilities developing next-generation aerospace vehicles and air-breathing propulsion systems. During the proposed program, we will develop these measurement tools into compact, user-friendly, and mobile platforms that enable broad implementation in ground-test facilities. The expertise within this research team in state-of-the-art laser technologies, physics, and chemistry-based diagnostic techniques, and extensive product development and implementation background in defense, propulsion and energy applications will be a critical factor in realizing the proposed diagnostic platform and toolkit.
The advanced diagnostic toolkit proposed under the current program will be a significant step forward in using cutting-edge laser technology and spectroscopic approaches to address a variety of diagnostics challenges in multiple government and industrial applications. As this noninvasive optical toolkit is optimized, a major beneficiary besides NASA would be DoD test facilities developing advanced weapons systems such as supersonic fighter aircrafts, hypersonic vehicles, rockets and high-Mach number reentry vehicles. In addition, the rapidly developing commercial space industry as well as test facilities at conventional aircraft will significantly benefit by having access to such advanced multi-parameter diagnostic toolkits. Therefore, a wide market potential is expected in defense, industrial, and commercial sectors for the proposed technologies.
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