Major market opportunities for thin-film functionalized, alternative substrate MCPs include Special Nuclear Material detection at ports and shipboard, large area photon and particle detection, enhancements over traditional MCPs, Channel Electron Multipliers, and Photomultiplier tubes in analytical applications and military and commercial Night Vision. Other commercial applications include Mass spectrometry, Photoionization, Electron microscopy, Surface physics, UV and VUV imaging, Astronomy, Space telescopes, Fusion research, Synchrotron Radiation, Nuclear physics, Field ion microscopy, Low temperature physics, Neutron Detectors, Neutron Radiography and Tomography, Scanning Near field Microscopy, Accelerators , Plasma Physics, Cluster research, Fluorescent detection and Trace analysis. Large government contractors such as SAIC and Rapiscan have expressed support for the development of MCP-based direct fast neutron detectors and large area MCP-PMTs for advanced radiation detectors, X-ray and gamma ray imaging systems, and low light level imaging systems. In addition, government national laboratories, such as Argonne National Labs, are supporting alternatives to the photomultiplier tube for photon detection in large astroparticle experiments such as gamma-ray and neutrino astronomy and direct dark matter detectors to improve performance and reduce cost.
The potential impacts for MCP technology include: substrate independence, ability to manufacture large area detectors, single event detection in a single MCP (no chevron required), greatly improved resolution and direct deposition of opaque photocathodes onto high temperature substrates. The ability of this technology to directly impact NASA missions is enormous. These innovations will contribute significantly to an improvement in resolution, a simplification of the optics required and provide the potential to expand the size of the detector. By significantly improving the functionality and capability of MCPs, it will be possible to deploy a single plate configuration capable of low noise, high resolution counting and imaging that could surpass existing detector performance benchmarks. With Arradiance's functional nano-film MCP technology, it will be possible to significantly reduce the size, mass, power and cost of detection so that instruments can be flown on smaller, more affordable spacecraft with potential benefits for science measurement capabilities so that NASA development programs can meet multiple mission needs and make the best use of limited resources.
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