Applications beyond calibration of remote sensing instruments include: "digital tissue phantoms" projection of complex, realistic, calibrated medically relevant images, calibration of digital cameras and other consumer electronics, quality control of medical film products, and machine vision simulations. In addition, the individual spectral, spatial and polarization engines can be offered as stand-alone products to the scientific community.
Polarization based sensors have shown great promise for climate monitoring: tracking hurricanes, detecting forest fires, quantifying atmospheric aerosols, measuring sea surface temperature and ocean color. The addition of polarization sensing capability to sensors, however, requires a complementary capability in polarization simulation for calibration. Pre-launch calibration of these instruments is vital, particularly in view of strict polarization requirements necessary to produce useful climate data. Current calibration methods are similar to those used for spectral characterization, using uniform monochromatic, simple polarization states. The proposed instrument will provided arbitrary polarization on a pixel by pixel basis, at multiple wavebands and with crucial spatial content.
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