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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Reconfigurable RF filters, Phase I

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Reconfigurable RF filters, Phase I
Space Micro proposes to build upon our existing space microelectronics and hardening technologies and products, to research and develop a novel rad hard/tolerant RF filter device, which is capable of long life in space. This will leverage emerging commercial semiconductor technology used in an innovative configuration to meet NASA's expanding communications needs. At the end of Phase 1 we will have demonstrated, both by analysis and limited lab testing of a prototype device, the technical feasibility.(TRL=3). In Phase 2 we will develop an engineering models of this RF device, and demonstrate electrically and also in relevant ground-based radiation simulators (Proton, heavy ion)- TRL=5-6 at end of Phase 2, and ready to launch as a standard Space Micro space IC product. More »

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Primary U.S. Work Locations and Key Partners

Technology Transitions

Light bulb

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This is a historic project that was completed before the creation of TechPort on October 1, 2012. Available data has been included. This record may contain less data than currently active projects.
