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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

FIR Detectors/Cameras Based on GaN and Si Field-Effect Devices, Phase I

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

FIR Detectors/Cameras Based on GaN and Si Field-Effect Devices, Phase I
SETI proposes to develop GaN and Si based multicolor FIR/THz cameras with detector elements and readout, signal processing electronics integrated on a single chip. The active detector elements will be submicron gated channels with 2 dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The devices with gated 2DEG (commonly known as field-effect transistors) respond to the incoming FIR radiation due to the rectification of radiation induced oscillations of electron density (electron plasma). Phase I of the project will be devoted to the development, design, and characterization of the single pixel, consisting of an array of field-effect transistors, targeting at responsivity increase of 100 times, and demonstrating the technical feasibility of 10^10 cm Hz^0.5/W detectivity. More »

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This is a historic project that was completed before the creation of TechPort on October 1, 2012. Available data has been included. This record may contain less data than currently active projects.
