We are proposing to leverage the Missile Defense Agency investments in high-performance propulsion systems for low-cost space missions with large Dv requirements, for example, a soft lunar lander. This design concept exploits a core set of hardware developed under past and current Department of Defense (DoD) investments. The propulsion system concepts under consideration are from the DoD's Missile Defense Kinetic Kill Vehicle programs such as EKV, THAAD, ASAT and LEAP. These are bipropellant, storable and hypergolic system that use high-performance propellants (MMH/NTO). This subtopic is seeking technologies with the superior performance for orbital control, for on-orbit applications including storage capability and propulsion. This propulsion system should allow transfers from LEO or GTO to lunar orbit or similar destinations. These missions have in common the substantial Dv propulsion requirements that cannot be met with the existing flown propulsion systems on current small spacecraft missions (for example, SNAP-1, Cubesats, Orbcomm or similar missions). Our proposed solutions offers that capability at an affordable but credible cost.
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