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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

OpenSAT, An Open Source Based Satellite Design Data Architecture with API Design and Management Plugins, Phase I

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

OpenSAT, An Open Source Based Satellite Design Data Architecture with API Design and Management Plugins, Phase I
Satellite design encompasses a multitude of steps from concept to flight. Mission specification to flight can take several years, depending on the scope, requirements and budget of the mission. The process also requires a wide range of design and management tools, with limited consistency data interchange capability, and a lack of coherency. Detailing the relationships between the satellite configuration, inventory control systems, life cycle management, design, analysis and test data is difficult at best. No tool exists that meets these needs for the general satellite design, system engineering and integration process. Sci_Zone is proposing our innovative Satellite Design Automation architecture SatBuilder Designer, in conjunction with the OpenSAT open database architecture to meet this need. OpenSAT seamlessly integrates existing detail design tools with SatBuilder Designer, as well as databases tracking requirements, components and inventory, with the final configuration of the satellite. SatBuilder Designer, an AI based toolset, provides for rapid design via design wizards and integration to existing design tools; it provides coherency between a range of applications and data sets. OpenSAT stores and distributes supporting satellite design, configuration, mission and test data from a centralized database server and can distribute the data across multiple platforms and via the internet. More »

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