The overall objective of this research effort (Phase I and Phase II) by Scientific Systems Company, Inc. and BBN Technologies is to develop the SELENE network -- SELf-forming Extensible luNar EVA network -- for specific usage in the Human Lunar Outpost. Phase I will investigate a hybrid scheme combining Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) for networking EVA radios in the Human Lunar Outpost, study the performance of SELENE under various levels of disruption and load, and develop a prototype convergence layer adapter plug-in for an EVA radio. The SELENE effort will leverage DARPA's Survivable Policy-Influenced Networking: Disruption Tolerance through Learning and Evolution (SPINDLE) program led by BBN Technologies (BBN), which addressed DTNs from the DoD viewpoint. As a part of our research team, BBN will provide expertise in DTNs and MANETs and support the usage of their software for performance evaluation of DTNs. The SELENE effort will investigate problems which are specific to the lunar environment, such as the existence of scheduled, on-demand and predictive adjacencies among nodes, and the need for hybrid schemes which work well under all levels of disruption, combining MANET and DTN technologies in a seamless fashion.
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