NanoSonic has developed a nanostructured spray self-assembly manufacturing method that has resulted in ultra-lightweight (< 0.4g/cc) textile interconnects for photovoltaic arrays, durable EMI shielding (-70 dB) solar collector membranes with unprecedented flexibility (> 1000%), and multi-layer, high efficiency thermal rejection coatings for deep space missions. NanoSonic has analyzed opportunities for its unique self-assembly processing techniques with the Photovoltaic and Space Environments Branch at NASA GRC. Focus was placed on radiant heat barrier coatings formed as multiple organic and inorganic well-defined segments using spray-based self-assembly processing. The spray technique allows the incorporation of materials required to achieve high coating reflectivity with low absorptivity and high emissivity over large-area NASA structures. The low /coatings will be transitioned to use on NASA deep space mission structures, near space airships and commercial rooftops and buildings. NanoSonic has also developed ultra low mass density fabric materials with patterned conductive traces capable of conducting high electrical current densities and capable of withstanding extreme thermal (-140
oC to 450
oC) and mechanical environmental conditions required in deep space. Metal Rubber
TM textiles will be transitioned to large area photovoltaic arrays. Such multifunctional Gossamer materials would provide adequate mechanical support and low loss electrical interconnect network functionalities for power generation arrays.
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