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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Single Photon Sensitive HgCdTe Avalanche Photodiode Detector (APD), Phase II

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Single Photon Sensitive HgCdTe Avalanche Photodiode Detector (APD), Phase II
Leveraging Phase I SBIR successes, in Phase II, a single photon sensitive LIDAR receiver will be fabricated and delivered to NASA. In Phase I, high-gain, electron-initiated avalanche photodiodes (e-APDS) were designed, manufactured, and characterized over a range of temperatures. The e-APDs, sensitive from 1064 nm to 4300 nm, were fabricated in single-layer p-type HgCdTe films grown using liquid phase epitaxy on IR-transparent CdZnTe substrates. Variable-diameter e-APDs, large-area 250-micron diameter e-APDs, and segmented 1-mm x 1-mm e-APDS - each with sixteen 250-micron x 250-micron pixel elements - were mounted to ceramic submounts, tested, and characterized. Under receiver bias, the e-APDs exhibited exponentially increasing gain that exceeded 1250. The devices showed exponentially increasing gain as a function of cutoff wavelength, and with decreased temperature - in agreement with our models for HgCdTe e-APDs. In Phase II, we will optimize HgCdTe films for 1.5-3.6 micron response and fabricate 250-micron diameter e-APD elements, designed for operation with gains exceeding 1250, without excess noise. These e-APDs, when integrated with custom-designed <100 e- rms noise transimpedance amplifiers and optimized to match the e-APDs' capacitance, will realize single photon sensitive LIDAR receivers for NASA LIDAR applications. More »

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This is a historic project that was completed before the creation of TechPort on October 1, 2012. Available data has been included. This record may contain less data than currently active projects.
