To address NASA's need for an instrument for robotic in situ geochemical exploration of the solar system, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a new hybrid Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman Spectroscopy (LIBRA) standoff chemical analysis system. This 0.03 m^3, <10 kg, <15 W passively cooled system will offer high specificity in trace chemical detection through LIBS/Raman sensor fusion to minimize false alarm rate (<1 in one million). Its hermetically sealed, monolithic, space-qualified design will ensure the survivability of LIBRA through launch and extended operation on planet surfaces. In Phase I, POC demonstrated the feasibility of LIBRA by assembling and testing a proof-of-concept tabletop (0.020 m^3 sensing head; 0.025 m^3 power supply) prototype with a technology readiness level (TRL) of ~4, capable of up to 5 m standoff detection and identification of inorganic, organic, and mineral samples, including compounds associated with the origins of life, of interest to NASA solar system exploration missions. In Phase II, POC will optimize the system design and develop and fabricate a fully functional LIBRA prototype system to meet the needs of NASA solar system exploration programs. Prototype test data will lead to an engineering design for a space-rover-operable prototype.
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