The resulting methods and software ability will, of course, benefit other DoD components, such as Army, Navy and Air Force. The US aerospace industries, including Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Textron, and others, will be the major non-military potential customers. Moreover, improvement of computational accuracy and efficiency is common interest in CFD/CSD community, thus is highly demanded. The aerospace industries in Europe, China and Japan represent another large potential marketing of the resulting methods and software. Advanced Dynamics will promote the international sales through resale partners of local companies abroad. Therefore, the methods and software abilities gained from this SBIR project will be additional to Advanced Dynamics' existing commercial offerings. The development of variable-fidelity aeroservothermoelastic-propulsive analysis and modeling capability will benefit the testing and clearance of aerospace vehicles in NASA Centers by providing an essential design tool that is not currently available. The end software will be applicable to various aerospace vehicles from conventional types to spacecrafts, and would greatly increase the safety and efficiency of flight testing and clearance. The benefit in terms of improved specification, design and operational performance for diverse aerospace vehicles will potentially lead to savings in project time and cost, and increase the US space mission effectiveness.
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