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Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Tech Transfer

Procedure Verification and Validation Toolset, Phase I

Completed Technology Project

Project Description

Procedure Verification and Validation Toolset, Phase I
The proposed research is aimed at investigating a procedure verification and validation toolset, which will allow the engineers who are responsible for developing the on-board procedures to validate early, continuously, collaboratively and in real-time. Currently these engineers are limited to the use of big simulators such as the Space Station Training Facility (SSTF) for the ISS, which is costly to run and requires a scheduling of the facility a long time in advance. The targeted tool would fill the gap between the very limited validation done at their desktop (mainly peer review of the procedure) and the simulator run (where the procedures are tested in the very expensive training environment). This project has a number of innovative aspects, which will make the work of procedure developers easier and more consistent. Benefits realized from using a desktop based procedure validation toolset include the increase in safety, reduction of training costs, and improvement in procedure delivery time through early detection and resolution of errors. More »

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This is a historic project that was completed before the creation of TechPort on October 1, 2012. Available data has been included. This record may contain less data than currently active projects.
