Potential NASA Commercial Applications: The ground-based radiometric system developed herein, as well as being a valuable research tool, is to be operated with radars such as NEXRAD and Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWRs) to detect and quantify cloud liquid water and ice in single- and mixed-phase conditions aloft. In addition to detecting icing conditions enroute and in approach regions, the system can forewarn and nowcast the need (or lack of need) to apply deicing solutions in advance of departure, creating savings and reducing delays. This quantification will also enhance weather nowcasting and predictive capabilities. This large aperture narrow beam radiometer design is also applicable to characterizing and quantifying satellite link loss due to atmospheric absorption, and Radiometrics has had several inquiries for such a design in wavebands from 8 to 32 GHz, demonstrating a commercial market for this application.
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