This SBIR Phase I proposes to investigate the use of proprietary coating materials to enhance the sensitivity, efficiency, and lifetime of microchannel plate (MCP) detectors. These detectors would be the basis for novel active layer multi dynode detectors for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry as well as detectors of energetic photons. Previous work has led to the discovery that these materials have excellent potential for use as enhanced secondary electron emission yield (SEEY) coatings. We have observed up to a factor of three increase in SEEY from these coatings when compared to commercial detectors. High SEEYs are particularly crucial to the detection of high mass molecules: The low detection efficiency for large biomolecular ions is a major limitation of commercial MCP detectors. Furthermore, the materials under development have high thermal conductivity and sputtering resistance and are thus ideally suited for long life and high count rate detectors. Under this proposal, we intend to undertake a detailed investigation of the use of proprietary coating materials to improve on commercial MCPs. We will characterize the SEEY of these new detectors under the impact of mono-energetic ions, large biomolecules, and x-rays in order to test their potential use for high-mass MS energetic photon applications.
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