Modeling and simulation tools are essential during every stage of the design and fabrication of electronic circuits --- such tools enable tremendous savings in time and cost. There is general agreement, among engineers who must tackle the issue of radiation hardness, about the urgent need for software tools in this area. The primary customers are expected to be engineers in industrial laboratories, researchers in the DOD and government laboratories, academic researchers, and chip designers. In many of NASA's spaceflight programs, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components are the only components that can provide the required performance, and meet physical requirements such as weight, power consumption, volume, etc. The effects of radiation on COTS integrated circuits are fairly complex. Hence there is ongoing work at NASA in the development, selection or preparation of electronics that can operate in the space radiation environment. This proposed software tool would assist in the aforementioned development efforts, and can contribute to the program on radiation hardness assurance of electronics components.
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