Commercial potential exists in powder-XRD applications where sample handling is critical. Examples are: 1- Industrial analysis of material streams for process monitoring (pharmaceutical, cement, mining, etc.), 2- Laboratory analyses when extended grinding is impossible (unstable or hazardous substances), when samples are extremely small (forensic analysis) or when a controlled environment is necessary, 3- Field analysis of geological materials, soils, drugs, potentially hazardous substances, etc. with an integrated XRD system. This technology could be configured for existing XRD instruments or in a complete system that takes full advantage of the new capabilities. The proposed technology will support NASA applications for landed missions that include in situ instruments requiring powdered material. It is particularly suited to the CheMin XRD/XRF instrument, which was listed in the straw-man payload for Mars Science Laboratory (2009). CheMin will be proposed for MLS as a mineralogical instrument. As the goals of this SBIR Proposal are achieved, the innovation will become a CheMin sub-component. CheMin is also a central instrument of the SAGE Venus Discovery mission concept using aspects of the proposed innovation. New NASA potentials will arise as the technology is further developed and advertised.
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