OPTRA proposes to develop an optical tracking system that is capable of recognizing and tracking up to 50 different objects within an approximately 2 degree x 3 degree field of view. The system output will be 3-dimensional trajectories for each of the objects. The primary function of the system is to monitor the first 2 minutes of a space vehicle launch; following any catastrophic event at launch this system will provide a wealth of detailed information that can be used both in real time, and in subsequent accident analyses. The proposed system consists of three high-resolution digital cameras with telephoto lenses mounted on GPS-equipped servo-controlled ALT/AZ platforms. The system hardware will consist largely of commercially available off-the-shelf components, resulting in proven performance, high reliability, and low cost. A key element in the proposed effort will be the development of robust target identification and tracking algorithms, as well as the algorithms needed to convert the 3 separate 2D trajectory sets to a single 3D trajectory set
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